Why Essential Communication Skill?

 “Communication skills are an essential component in the education of

engineering students to facilitate not just students’ education but also to prepare

them for their future careers.”

Marc Riemer, Faculty of Engineering, Monash University (2007)

As an engineering student, essential communication must be obtained to build confidence in speaking in their school life and working life in future. Hence, this proficiency can improve one's own language to analyze problems and find out the solution in the industry working.


  1. Thanks, Terry!

    Let me ask a question: So is the focus on speaking in the original quotation?

    1. Correct me, is not speaking but communicating. Being able to connect with others through
      communication is the key.

    2. Speaking is communication, yes, but only a subset of the whole. If you stated that one example of this is speaking, then it would make more sense. :)

      This is spot on: Being able to connect with others through communication is the key.

    3. Oh, I see, got it Prof. Thank you!


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